Docteur Rocio Garcia, Barcelona, Spain

Despite extensive research in the fields of endocrinology, neurology, genetics, and other areas, the reason why some adolescents develop Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is still unknown. Many studies have analysed postural abnormalities in AIS patients. Additionally, there are also studies describing a higher prevalence of vestibular and visual disorders among AIS patients compared to control groups. However, no study has considered all these factors (posture, and visual and vestibular systems anomalies) simultaneously. Consequently, there is a research gap that this study aims to cover.
The team’s hypothesis is that teenagers with AIS are more likely to have posture problems, as well as issues with their vision and vestibular system, compared to healthy teenagers.
Their main goal is to compare how often postural, visual and vestibular anomalies, occur in a group of AIS patients versus a group of healthy teenagers.
Their secondary objectives are:
– To analyse whether the use of prims lens induces changes in posture, visual and vestibular systems of AIS patients.
– To assess whether correlations exist between AIS, postural, visual and/or vestibular disorders.
– To compare the quality of life of AIS patients with the control group.
Thi study will be ndertaken during 2 years